December 09, 2012

More Grease

Momentary anger, fueled by rash surged, blinded by needless thirst for revenge -not necessarily to revert the evil that was done, but to pay back for nerves stepped on-. The 7mile walk feeling more like a stroll to the fridge for midnight snack.

Flying up the short staircase and pounding the door down, greeted by an astonished resident.

Plates and glasses, knives serving as swords and our bodies a battered shield protecting the heart alone. World war 3 right there in the cozy sitting room Of a prim residential area.

My clothes torn, hair ripped and eyes blood shot. Up to my neck was how high I had it. No more was what I could take. Synchronicity, Content and the silent collision of brass bullet with thick neurocranium had my blood cooling down.

Wrapping up 90 kg of weight as calmly as ever, hauled out and then placed to absorb the cold from the frozen river.

Cracked ice and a sunken body...the perfect cover. No one would ever know...I murdered my husband's lover.

August 14, 2011

After Dark..

I should be studying, or at least doing something productive.... but at this moment, figures and calculators were the last things on my mind. I stared at Ed as he played around with his laptop, I had no idea what he was doing, but he seemed quite engrossed. Tapping his fingers gently across the keypad his eyes filled with concentration. The dim light in his room rested lightly on his face enhancing his remarkable features. At 6ft 4inches, dark and handsome... He was almost impossible to resist. There was just this sexiness about him that made me want all of him...every single bit... My imaginations were already going wild as I remembered the first night we made out...

' I was lying in bed with him behind me, holding me so close I could feel his hardness. Spontaneously, I started to whine my waist my aim being to get him more aroused. Tho he was half asleep, his body responded..
He began to move with me, get harder with each twist. His breath quickened and deepened at the same time...all the while, his hands remained on my waist. I shifted a little, and as if on cue he slid one hand from my waist and slipped it under my large polo... cupping one breast, he squeezed it lightly..teasing my nipples into a bud, sliding his hands down towards...'

"Hey, u thirsty?" He asked. interrupting my blissful memory.. *sigh* I could feel moist heat in between my thighs already...he always had such effect on me. We were all alone in his room, I had come to stay in his place for the weekend, as phcn in my area was being an asshole.... I'm still wondering what i was thinking when I made that decision to come over. I figured i  actually used the light crap as an excuse just to chill with him tho. I couldn't help it. He was the greatest person to hangout with.. funny,caring, smart and he knew just how to tease...he was a pro at it.. *sigh* Okay, my situation's definitely getting worse, and if he didn't touch me soon, I just might explode. I looked in his direction again, he had gone back to what he was doing, that was when I remembered I hadn't answered his question. i touched his arm gently seeking his attention, but he just glanced at me for a second and went back to his pc. Damn all computers mehn...

"There's an effing horny girl who wants to eat you all up here!" I nearly screamed...slightly pissed. That was it!

Switching to seductress* mode, I tilted a little and put my legs over his.. He looked at me, longer this time. I smiled. I was good at this... I moved closer, my bare legs still caressing his while I traced my fingers up his hard thighs. I was completely on top of him now... I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer with my hands. I kissed him. slow and deep ....

I moved to play with his nipples, stroking it till it was taut. My other hand was busy trailing its way down his broad chest, resting on his groin before slipping into his shorts. He took a sharp breathe as I traced the shape of his cock with one finger, then gently wrapping all five around it. with a slow rhythm, I moved my hand up and down his rigid cock.. feeling him swell. Still holding him, I slide my thumb over the head of his cock, rubbing slightly while trailing kisses up his neck. Getting to his ear, I nibbled at it lightly and then whispered.."Water?"....

"Err.." He replied, his voice thick, hoarse and filled with need and want.. Without waiting for a proper reply, I stood up and went to the kitchen. He followed. I reached out to the upper cupboard to get a glass, then I felt his warm hands around my waist. I stopped... he moved closer, and I felt him against me. Reaching under my shirt, he let his hands move higher until they stopped where my bra started. I un-strapped my bra, giving him full access. He cupped both breasts in his hands then began to rub my nipple...

"Damn. Your boobs are so fucking soft" he whispered. Just smiling, I placed my hands on his, while he still caressed both nipples, I felt him harden and breathe in. He dropped his head into the cup of my neck as he left my boobs to slide lower. His hands slipped into my panties, surely feeling the warm wetness in between...he shivered and inhaled. He was getting harder, I felt wetness increased, and I just became more horny. I turned around, and my lip met his chin. I kissed him there, then kissed his neck. He lifted me now and placed me against the wall, roughly yet gently kissing me.My hands slipped down over his chest, and i crushed to him as he pulled me closer. I had taken off my polo, and i could feel every inch of him pressing against my nakedness, his rigid arousal sending ripples up through my body. Only a thin layer of fabric separated us, the thought was an exciting one .

Reverently, he touched me, his fingers trailing heat over my body, off set by the cold weather. My head fell back as he kissed my breasts, and i found myself arching against him. i felt as if i would die, so stong were the sensations he created in me. His hands explored me as his lips did, until it seemed lyk the only way i could remain upright was due to the stong wall behind me. and i found myself saying his name softly into his neck. He pulled me and carried me away from the wall to the bedroom.he laid me on the bed, the soft sheets warm around my buttocks. His body covered mine gently, yet alight with his passion for me. I arched against him, my hands in his hair, pulling his head down towards mine.

There, surrounded by rough ,warm sheets, he showed me as i had wished. He was gentle at first until we were both lost in Ecstasy. I pulled his shorts down and brought my mouth over the head of his cock. i kissed it gently then proceeded to lick him all up. We moved together , falling through nothing, until at last we came to rest with one final explosion of pleasure, his arms around me,holding me, my face buried in his neck.. i lay beneath him, his warmth sheltering me.. Then i thought..

"oh shit! i'm so screwed!" ..i hadn't touched my assignment at all. *sigh*

August 04, 2011

Reminisces of a Serengeti

As i sat by her casket and stared at her lifeless body, fresh tears poured down my cheeks. the knife of pain that stab my soul drove in even deeper. overwelhmed by grief and completely empty, i played with the edges of the casket as my mind wandered..

From the first day we met, I knew it was love. The first time I watched her get into her car, and the first time she wrote a poem about the way I walked. it was the first time she slid her hand between my thighs and I screamed inside, frozen with a mixture of fear and weightlessness.

Before her, I had never known love. I never knew how it was to feel something so deep for another being. I never knew I could derive so much joy just by making someone else smile. She was my dream, my world. The air that I breathed, my everything.

Her deep blue eyes and succulent lips did things to my insides. Each time I saw her, I fell all over again. To me, she was perfect. From her heavenly figure to her voluptuous assets...her undeniable air of elegance, and her heart stopping smile.

Each morning i would wake up feeling fulfilled, knowing i had something bright to look up to. we spent all our time together. we went places, the ice cream shop, the beach.. everywhere that portrayed love and joy. With her, I was a happy man.

She came to me one morning complaining about a severe headache, I told her it was sure to be a migraine and advised her to sleep it off. At dinner time, I called out for her to come down. For some reason, my voice seemed to echo, drifting back to my ears with dread and sorrow lingering on its lips.. its abyss foretelling the horror I was about to witness--- with the last thread of energy left in my spine, i bolted towards the stairs heading to her bedroom... i was too late. i stared at her angelic body softly settled on the bed as white as ever, my mouth hung agape for minutes.....

she was gone, she no longer existed. we could no longer share meals, laughter or even kisses. i went numb for days.There was no level of medication that could relieve me of my incompetent state of delirium. i stumbled around my life in a daze, unable to escape my thoughts or to sleep or function; I broke the doors off my closets and punched holes in the cheap plaster walls.

I frightened my parents. I made my friends angry. I disappointed everyone. But i didn't even care cuz there was just nothing left.

I had given this girl my life, my soul, my love. I was alone in a crowded room, afraid and numb and groping in the dark for the switch that could give me back myself.

I sliced up my skin to feel something, anything; I set fire to my possessions and pressed my wrists against the metal of the oven at 400°, yet nothing seemed to change.

in the days that's passed since her unbelievable death, Never for a moment did my love for her depreciate, I refused to let her be put into the ground. Cuz somehow I felt it would make reality dawn on me. In her glass coffin she lay, I stared at lifeless body, stiff but still as beautiful as ever. I'd tell her stories, wishing she could hear me. Each morning I'd set breakfast by her casket, and recite poems of love. I'd play with her hair and her stone cold skin. I'd laugh and the jokes I told, then my expression would turn grim cuz her. Face remained....cold.

Until one day her skin went green, and her heavenly body started to give way to an unbearable rot.. .

Then the painful reality dawned on me .... She was never coming back.

June 28, 2011


"Ashawo! Olori buruku ! Idiot! you wan snatch my customer abi?!..with that your bow leg! Ode ni e" .

My madam (if I could call her that) screamed at me like a retarded animal.

Nancy A.k.a "Chikito" was always trying to create a scene. At 42 (if that was her real age), she had been in this prostitution business longer than anyone else in the block. She knew the do's and dont's, she practically knew how all the men in lagos were in bed. She picked at everyone and started fights at the slightest chance. Everybody avoided her like a plague, not wanting to get into trouble at all.

      My name is omotola, I used to live with my parents and my younger sister on the outskirts of Abikehin village in Oyo state. My family wasn't exactly the happy one, my mother and father used to fight all the time, arguing and quarreling..barking at each other like mad dogs.

But even with all the problems, my life was still a little bit bearable. Until One day....

My mum ran out of the house shouting and nagging, raining curse on unseen beings, screaming and lamenting about someone stealing the money she kept in her saving pot. She looked like she was on fire,she was sweating profusely and her frown was so stern that both her eyebrows seemed liked they had merged into one. She walked up to my father where he sat reading his newspaper, and held him by his shorts, she started accusing him of being the culprit. My father being the rather quiet kind, hardly spoke even when my mum went into her usual frenzy.

"woman, dont you have respect for your husband?" my father asked gently

"idiot! foolish idiot! you're not man enough to be my husband, so shut your dirty mouth!" my mother replied

"i have tried my best not to hold all your stupid actions against you, but now you are taking it too far"

"MAD MAN!mad man! that's what you are! shut your mouth and give me back the money you stole!" she said still holding his shorts tightly.

i just stood there by the pavement, and watched as the drama unfolded.there was nothing i could do, as my mum was very ruthless.

A huge arguement sufficed, and in the heat of it, my dad slapped her... She was stunned at first, then she started fuming.

"You slapped me? you incompetent fool!..i've had it with you! i've had enough!"

before i realized what she was about to do, she ran to one end of the compound, picked up a stone and threw it at my father aiming for his head. she hit her mark accurately and my dad fell.
i stared in horror as he lay on the ground, a huge pool of blood oozing around him. My mum ran to him and shook him severally, but he didn't move.  He was dead.

That was the moment my life took a turn for the worst, living became an unpleasant ordeal. Confused and dazed , i ran into the house, called my little sister and we both took off. i have no idea why i ran, but i just felt the need to. there was no way i was going to remain in that house with that evil woman i called my mother, so i ran. aimlessly and with nowhere to go, i just kept running...


       I came to lagos three years ago, and a lot has happened since i came. the first week i arrived, my sister and i were taken in by a good samaritan, or as at then i thought he was good. he tried to sleep with me, but when i refused, he raped me. afterwards, he threw my sister and i out. and we were back to begging on the streets. Life was hard, and living was even harder. finding a job was difficult and almost impossible,and considering i had no certificate, it was even worse for me. Everyday, we would look for an uncompleted building where we could sleep. Even as i closed my eyes, sleep was nowhere to be found. i would think of my father and how different things would be if he was still alive. i would think of daybreak and how we would survive. i would think of my mother, and i would curse her for putting us in this predicament. Several times, i was made to have sex forcefully due to the scandalous places we slept, but there was nothing i could do. Each night, i would get on my knees and pour my heart out to God. i would pray for a better tomorrow, and then i'd cry myself to sleep.

Three months later, my sister fell ill with malaria due to excessive mosquitoes caused by sleeping on the road sides. i was devastated. i tried my best to help her, but no hospital was willing to treat her without me depositing at least half of the money first. She died seven days afterwards, and i was left alone in this uncaring world. i mourned her for a while, but then i knew crying would not bring her back.

I began my search for a job, walking aimlessly, from shop to store, from market to boutique. i knew people were always looking for sales girls, so i hoped i would find a vacancy in that aspect. After days and hours of searching , i stumbled across a sign outside a restaurant commonly known as 'mama put'. ""Sales girl needed. Apply inside"". Extremely happy for the first time in weeks, i dragged my worn out feet along as i stepped into the building. The insides were dim, and quite empty except for tables and chairs, seeing that it was still early. A fat woman sat on a plastic chair at the corner of the room, her eyes closed.

'Goo.. good morning ma." i said lightly

she didnt budge. i tried again, this time louder

"Good morning ma"

she opened her eyes slightly.  "yes, can i help you."

"i'm here to apply for the sales girl job" i told her, my voice shaking a little.

"oh, okay! you should have said so na."

err..i just did! i said to myself. this wasn't the time to be rude, i needed the job. She took me to the back of the building, showing me where everything was kept.

"i hope you're a nice girl o?, i don't want anyone that would come and drive my customers away"

"yes ma. i'm nice, very nice" i replied smiling foolishly

my new boss Iyabo then tapped my shoulder, not returning the smile "Good."

The days after that went pleasantly. i got a sleeping spot at the boys quarters in her house. Every morning i would get up at 5am, sweep and clean the house and compound. I would wash the dishes and make breakfast. then i would go to work. After a while, i noticed she had developed a fondness for me. she always added extra money to my daily pay, and she let me move into the main house.

One evening, just as we were packing up for the day, she called me into the kitchen and asked me to sit down.



"You are a beautiful girl you know?, and you know you cannot stay under my roof forever.."

"ahh..excuse me ma, have i done anything wrong? do you want to drive me away?" i asked, getting scared

"My dear, don't be afraid, i like having you here. but you must learn to fend for yourself."

"okay ma, i understand"

"Good. tomorrow morning, i will take you to my friend's place. you would work for her from then on"

i was sad. i had come to like Iyabo so much, she had been nice to me, in fact she was the nicest person i met since i came to Lagos. i wondered what kind of work it could be. i was a little excited because she also told me that if i worked hard, i would be able to get my own apartment in no time.

   The next morning, i packed my things, and we took a bus to another side of town. As we approached the gate of the building, i noticed that the place looked dirty and un kept, like no one cared how the surrounding looked.  I switched my bag to my other hand as we stepped into the compound. the building was very large. It was a three story building block of flats. The compound was a little bit more tidy than the outside. We walked towards a different building which stood apart from the flats. It was a small duplex with walls that looked like it hadn't been painted for decades. Iyabo overtook me and knocked on the wooden door. after knocking severally, a deep female voice answered from inside.

"Who is that? who is that person that wants to break my door ehn?!"

"Chikito chikito!  its Iyabo nah, abi you have forgotten my voice?" iyabo replied

the woman who iyabo referred to as chikito had arrived at the door and was opening it

"ahh! Iyabo what do i owe this august visit?"

"hmmmph, cant you see the beautiful girl beside me ehn? Of course you know i brought her for you"

the woman eyed me from head to toe, an unpleasant look on her face. "Yes, she's indeed pretty."

'chikito', whose real name was Nancy asked me to take my bags and wait in the sitting room for her. i said a quick goodbye to iyabo, and the went into the house. as i waited in the living room, my mind went back to what i was thinking before... 'what had i gotten myself into?'.  If it was three years ago, at the time when i  first came to Lagos, when i was still innocent and naive, i might not have known what my job here was. but with what i had seen and experienced, there was no two ways about it. I was about to become an official prostitute.

As evening drew near, the once quite compound became lively again, i could hear female voices chattering, and talking loudly. Nancy came into the room, "Oya, come out. its time for you to start work."

i stood up and straightened my skirt, she led the way out of the duplex and into the large compound. Girls were everywhere. girls of different  shapes and sizes. they were all dressed in short outfits, their body exposed  to the world. we went into the story building, she took me to a flat and said that i would be staying. she tossed a short dress on the bed and asked me to put it on. i quickly did, and then we went back outside. It was then that i noticed there was a large bar at one end of the compound. Male guests were seated around, and i guessed that was where i would get customers. i played along and followed the steps of the other girls. That night, i made 5,000 naira. i was pleased. at least i could fend for myself. If this went well, i would have enough money to stat my education and i would leave this god forsaken place.

So each and everyday, the routine was the same. sometimes the men preferred to sleep with us in our rooms, or sometimes they would take us to hotels. i hardly crossed paths with Nancy, as i realized, she didn't deal with small customers. There was this particular man who always came by her place every night, and i figured that was her man.

it has been seven months since i got into this business, and occassionaly i've had to visit the hospital to have several abortions carried out. The first time i had to do it, i was quite reluctant but later on i figured i needed to do to remain in business.

One particular night, one i wouldn't forget. i was seated on a stool at the bar when a voice said behind me

"Hello beautiful,"

i turned around, and saw Nancy's man standing behind me, he was smiling at me.

"hi, you're looking for Nancy right?"

"no honey, its you i'm looking for."

i was quite surprised, but i chatted with him anyways. Tho he was quite old, he was a very interesting person, no wonder Nancy liked him so much. As i sat with him laughing and chatting away, little did i know that Nancy had spotted me and was now watching me.

As soon as he left, she pounced on me.

"Ashawo! Olori buruku ! Idiot! you wan snatch my customer abi?!..with that your bow leg! Ode ni e"

"Nancy what is your problem? didn't you see that he was the one who came to meet me?"

"Close your smelling mouth! you this dirty pig!" she yelled back

i didn't want to argue, cause i knew whee it was going to end. she still kept shouting at the top of her voice. I stood there looking stunned like what in heavens name was this crazy woman making a big deal of, still I didn't want to provoke her so I just stood silently and let her rant her fill, beside I thought I'd probably find out why she was mad before she got done, still I was listening with half an ear until,
"Olosho, you think you can take Chief K away from me you are joking..."

 I was laughing inwardly,'that dirty old man, what would I want him for...

 I decided to let her run her steam off before....*slaps* I go, I guess my silence was more infuriating...oh well I simply said, 

"I'm sorry ma," 

I'm generally a very peaceful person and I knew only too well how my madam was so I didn't want to push it. Plus I still needed the job my savings were on the way towards sky high...if only my sister were alive *sigh* the sadness of that thought hadn't totally drifted away when I was suddenly blasted out of my reverie with another hot slap and an 

"are u deaf can't you reply my questions" 

I had suddenly had enough so I go,

 "what is it gan, if you slap me again ehn, hmm that your useless old ma Chief K will not recognise you again, call me ashawo, no be wetin all of us they do here??? Abeg abeg dey one side....mscheeew"

 she stood stock still I had never addressed her that way I'd always been polite and all with her, but at that moment I was too angry to care I just turned and walked out mouthing, 

'stupid old expired pussy...' *hiss* 

suddenly I had this wild impulse to bend and I did and that's how a big stone flew passed my head, I turned round, Chikito was screaming bloody mary!!! I had this abnormal urge to laugh, her wig was nearly off, her lipstick smeared her dress shorter than was decent for someone her age...she probably would have hit me again but I was saved by the most unlikely person, 'Baba K,' her change of demeanour was hilarious I sha walked away....

She didn't say anything for the next few weeks I figured she had probably forgotten, my most foolish move, that night a totally new client asked for me, normally new people were given to older girls and I'd just been here for a year, I sha went with him not knowing that would be my last job, we got to his hotel room, we finished the deed, I was now dressing up ready to leave when he came up behind me he held me real tight I thought he wanted more I said,

 "the session is already over o!! This would cost you..." 

That was as far as I got when I felt the cold steel of a blade on my neck I froze my tone immediately turned pleading, 'ahan not like that now, didn't I show you a good time haba now...

' He goes,"shut the hell up that was just window dressing this was always the plan" he stopped there,

 I wanted to know more so I kept quiet I wanted to know more at least I'd know what strategy, and what do you know he continued, 

"I went to Madam N, a name some clients called her 'and asked for a girl I cud use for something that may not end well, well she gave me you and pretty though you are well..." 

So this was it..."Isn't there.." I started 

he said, 'you'd best keep quiet so this can be fast' and before I knew it...

...The cold blade went through my side, I felt warm blood trickle down my body. He let go off me, and I stumbled and fell onto the bed. I gasped for air, fighting the strong force that wanted to draw me into oblivion... My mind raced, my pulse beat slower. How could this happen? Haven't I suffered enough to have my life end this way?. I struggled to stay alive. I thought of all the sacrifices I gave to survive all along, and hot tears stung my eyes. I lost everything, I gave up all that made me just to survive. My sister, my pride, my integrity, all was lost. I gasped again, I was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. I was done, this was the end... With the last breath of air left in me, I said quietly "Forgive me lord for I have sinned" a final prayer, i started mouthing a song i used to sing when i was little.., 'as I lay my head to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep. if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take....'  darkness.

Author's note : He will forgive you but don't make Him your last surrogate...Prostitution never pays, neither is it the last resort. Don't use poverty as an excuse to indulge in illegal or immoral acts. Remember, the wages of sin is death. :|

May 11, 2011


There was no one among their pals who wasn't jealous of Obum and Neme's relationship. Though it wasn't like it was all perfect and faultless, or that they didn't have problems. But what fascinated people was the couple's ability to settle their issues amicably with out serious fights or arguments .

To neme, obum was the most adorable loving man she had ever met. He wasn't over protective or arrogant. He didn't question her every whereabout like most other guys would. And what pleased her the most was that even though he worked a lot, he was always there whenever she needed him.

They had been together for about 4years now, they had met at her NYSC camp and they both started developing feelings for each other. And before anyone could say jack, they were already a couple.

In the past years, they had gone through a lot. Arguments, issues and some other problems people in relationships face, but they always found their way back to each other. She already introduced him to her parents, and they liked him a lot. He was kind, friendly, down to earth and he was a good Christian. Her mother wouldn't let her rest on the issue of marriage.

"When would you two get married?" Her mun would always ask.

She would just laugh it off telling her that it would happen soon. Neme never really disturbed herself on the issue of marriage, but she was really starting to give it a thought now. She didn't know why he hadn't proposed yet. They both loved each other, and in their love also lay a strong unbreakable friendship. 'Maybe he wasn't ready' she would say. And not wanting to pester him, she decided to wait a little longer.

Their fourth year anniversary was two days away, and neme had been thinking of the perfect gift him. She knew getting him a wrist watch or a perfume wouldn't mean so much cuz he had lots of that already. After hours of pondering, she decided to make him a home cooked candle light dinner.


With one day left till their anniversary, she still hadn't put the dinner plans together. She quickly grabbed her purse and went out. From shops, to markets , to stores... She picked the best of the best. After she had got the ingredients, candles and table layout for the dinner.. She stopped by a lingerie shop to pick an outfit for their special night tomorrow. She wanted to surprise him, they had never had sex before. Yeah, Never! She was sure her friends would not even believe that. Obum never liked her touching him in sensitive places , and he always made it clear, he always said that as a Christian, he believed in waiting until marriage which was still very weird considering he was a guy. Though she was glad that he found it necessary to wait, but she couldn't wait any longer.

She had bought the perfect lingerie and planned to use it to serve her purpose. She was going to sleep with him tonight. After all, his problem was waiting till marriage, so when she proposed to him as she had in mind, he wouldn't have any other objections.
she was goin to propose to him, there was no longer need to put things on hold.. The guy didn't always have to be the first to make a move right? So SHE was going to propose to HIM.

At 6:30pm, she started getting the table and the meal ready. Obum usually got back at 8pm. So everything had to be set b4 he got back. At 7:25 all was set and what was left was for her to change into her sexy lingerie. 7:50, she went to change. The lingerie was beautiful. The satin and lacy red material which adorned the outfit added an extra aura of sexiness to it. She looked at herself in the mirror and she was amazed. She looked different..... and beautiful.

At exactly 8pm, she stepped into the dinning room, her hot lingerie, scented candles,dim light which played around her gorgeous skin and the smell of home cooked meal just made the scene heavenly.

8:20pm, there was no sign of any car coming through the gates. Traffic must be heavy or something. That was why she disliked driving. Hot weather, smoke, dust, traffic, it was just too tiring. She started playing around with her blackberry torch fone which she just got about a month ago, chatting with a friend..though it wasn't like her mind was there.

8:55pm ; oh shit, he still wasn't back. She started pacing up and down the room, what could be keeping him now?.

9:15pm still no sign. Okay now she was worried, she picked up her phone and dialed his number...nothing. She tried again and this time it went to voice mail after about four to five rings.

"I'm working leave a message" she heard his cool masculine voice say at the other end. The sweetness of the voice alone calmed her a little. She literally hated his company for making him work late even on his own birthday. Too bad, their well planned dinner was ruined. Well, she was still goin to propose any way. It was a good thing she had ordered a cake just in case. She picked up the cake and her keys , changed to a plain jean and dark peach designer top ,blew out the candles and left.

The parking garage at the accounting firm where Obum worked was nearly empty, so finding a place to park didn't prove a problem as usual. She carried the cake from the passenger seat of her car, walked out of the car park into the building and headed for the elevator. His office was on the 11th floor, so she had to spend a while in this box thingy.(Elevator)

He was going to be so surprised. She was nevous and scared at the same time. Scared because she wondered what she would do if his answer was No, or if he said he wasn't ready. Trying to be optimistic, she kept on walking, down the long straight hallway which led to his office.

His secretary already left she noticed. oh well, that meant more privacy for them in case he decided to take her right there in his office when he saw the lingerie she wore beneath her clothing. ...straightening her hair and jean, She walked into his office.... holding his cake in her hand, a large smile on her face....

"Sugar...! Happy anni.... "

She stopped short, as if transfixed, she was numb. All the saliva in her mouth had dried up. She was staring at the unimaginable, the forbidden... There on the table was her boyfriend, The guy she was about to make her fiancé...... He was kissing another MAN!

May 10, 2011

My sweet daddy

Its my 18th birthday tomorrow, my daddy has planned a really massive party for me, dinner at a chinese restaurant and clubbing later at our pent house .I knew he wanted to invite some international celebrities too. I sent out invitations like a week ago, I was so excited. I had waited a long time for my 18th birthday when I'd finally cross over to the next stage in life. Freedom to do what I pleased, I could stay wherever I wanted to. My life would be bliss from now on.

I hardly slept a wink, and got up before my alarm set for 6am rang. I was all giggly and bubbly and I just couldn't seem to get settled. At about past 8 I already started getting messages, emails, notifications from facebook and mentions on twitter. A thousand calls came in too. I felt so loved :) . The pent house was being readied for the party later in the night, I had gotten two cakes already and it was just some minutes to 10am.

My dad sent for me, I was told he was outside with my brother. I was starting to wonder why I hadn't seen him at all this morning anyway. I stepped out of the house and walked to the 5 plots garage which held over 15 of the most exotic cars imaginable. My dad was standing at the farthest end with a large grin on his face. 'What could he be up to now?' I wondered. I strolled towards him still curious.

I almost tripped over my self when I saw it..m the latest Chevrolet Cruze Eco ride, in all its glory and glimmer. Shining like a million diamonds,with its thick tinted windows and gold studded rims . Its glamour took my breath away. I started jumping and screaming like a crazy person. I ran and gave him a wide bear hug, still stunned. "My poochie poochie" that was what I called my dad. I was so happy that he had gotten me this. He was my one and only. Since my mother died, he's been my source of joy, the only one i have left. My brother and I are his only children and in his own words 'his reason for living'. And having each other, we need no one else.

The day went by fast, more cakes, gifts, more calls and texts. Lots of friends, family and a million and one people. the dinner at the restaurant happened quickly as everybody was eager for the main party . We eventually got to the pent house and the DJ was already jamming songs and all. I went to my room to change and found a dress on my bed. It was beautiful.

"I see you like it" a voice said from behind me.

It was my dad, I knew. I smiled and said I did like it a lot. I changed quickly and climbed up to the pent house to join my other friends . I didn't take long before I started drinking away and dancing with all my energy. It was a good thing the party was at my house. I couldn't imagine getting wasted at a random club. At the point when I got tired I decided to leave the crowd and go crash in my room.

I took of my clothes and changed to my nightie. I washed all my makeup off, turned up the air conditioner before going to finally going to my bed.

It must have been an hour later, or maybe two when I heard a knock on my door. Maybe a friend of mine needed somethi

ng. I opened the door..

"Daddy...?". "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"No dear, I just want to talk to you"

I let him in, thinking what could be so urgent that he wouldn't wait till morning. I went back to lie in bed, and he came to sit beside me.

"Okay daddy, talk to me"

"My love," he said stroking my face softly with the back of his index finger. He then continued to stroke my hair, still saying nothing. I was getting worried, he started touching my hands and rubbing my neck. His hands then slipped and cupped my left breast..

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

", I want you"

'Want'?? Did my daddy just say want??

"Daddy you're drunk, go back to bed"

"I want you honey, I need to feel you. It has been a long time since I felt the touch of a woman. I need that now"

I was confused, shocked what was my daddy saying?, what did he mean by all this, how could a father want his own daughter?. By now he was getting aggressive , his breathing getting heavier and his eyes growing deeper. He was touching me everywhere, he started caressing both my breast and rubbing my thighs and squeezing my waist.
I have never been with a guy before and all these strange responses my body gave to his touches scared me a whole lot. The fact that he was even touching me in such a way scared me even more.

I thought to scream cuz whatever got over him seemed to get stronger. As if sensing what I was thinking, he covered my mouth with one hand and used the second to lift my short nightie. I was crying, that was all I seemed able to do at that moment. I struggled and pushed, I wriggled left and right trying to get out of his grip, but that seemed to arouse him even more. For minutes, I battled with him, trying to protect my virginity. I was losing, my strength was slipping away. When he noticed I had lost the strength to scream, he let go of my mouth.

"Daddy please, I beg you. Don't do this. Don't let the devil take over you"

But his wasn't even listening, his eyes seemed distant and I was sure the only thing that was working at that moment was his cock. He was still working his way up my nightie which was easy because I never wore panties to sleep except when I was on my period.

"Daddy, please" I kept begging

"Sweetheart you're going to enjoy this" he replied, his voice thick and hoarse.

I couldn't believe what was happening. My daddy, the only man that loved and protected me all my life...

He held me, kissing my neck, squeezing my nipples and sucking my lips all at the same time. I was devastated.

And then, like a rush of wind, he was inside me. Without care or even shame, my daddy thrust his huge manhood into me. The same man who swore would never hurt me. That he would never let any harm come my way. That same man just took away the thing I valued and cherished the most, my virginity. The man from whose sperm I was formed... I wept, my eyes feeling like they'd fall anytime soon. But he didn't care, he just kept moving in and out. Faster and faster he went, on and on without pity or remorse. With each thrust, I lost everything, I lost my love for him, I lost my trust and belief in him, I lost every sense of happiness and every ability to feel whole again. With each thrust I lost my pride, my integrity and most of all, I lost my dignity.

There was nothing left, I was just an empty being clothed with flesh. As his seed poured into me, I wanted to bite, scratch and do all kinds of terrible things to him. But I had lost my strength. There was no fight left inside of me. He was done, he got up and moved towards the door... A smirk on his face.

"That was beautiful my dear"

I spat at his feet, "Monster!"

He just laughed, turned around and left.

Leaving me to face the trauma of our encounter...

Throughout the night I couldn't close my eyes, each time I blinked, it all came pouring back. I didn't leave my room thru out that day, I refused to speak to anybody because what had transpired last night was not a story to be told. I was thirsty but I couldn't drink, hungry but couldn't eat. Every essence of life meant nothing to me at the moment. Each time I remembered, fresh tears poured down my eyes. By each passing minute, the realization of what he had done dawned on me. I was raped by my Father!

He came again that night, and every night after that. He seemed to have found me pleasurable tho I can't imagine how logically possible that was. The days I showed any form of reluctance, he would get body guards to tie me down, and he would do with my body what he pleased.
His molestations continued and there was nothing I could do, he had threatened to take my eyes out if I ever told anyone about it. And after what he did to me, I knew he would pull that off.

Each and everyday, my father violated me,I became a shadow of myself. A skeleton of the once chubby girl everyone knew. My sweet daddy, suddenly turned into a monster overnight. My happiest dream suddenly became my worst nightmare. The man I used to love, I now hated and despised.

the sense of betrayal i feel can never be taken away. and i would forever live with that hurt and the pain of defilement.

March 01, 2011

hey! Ermm...its me! :)

Hallos! :) hey, I'm K.. (Oh wait, most of u already know me;D ) so I don't think there's need for an introduction. Okay, so I just created this blog, just for my writings... I mean lyk, short stories and whatsoever! I love to write (I guess u know that), but I dint want to mix up my fictional tales with the posts on my main blog, so I created this one for my stories, writings and that alone. I don't plan to write solely on one aspect, so though I'm a horror lover, I'd still try to post a little bit of romance , fantasy and whatever!

Well, I'm taking exams now, so I'll prolly start posting when I'm done with it, but not immediately sha , as I'd still have to compose the stories first of all.. I do hope you enjoy them!

Toodles! :* xx