May 10, 2011

My sweet daddy

Its my 18th birthday tomorrow, my daddy has planned a really massive party for me, dinner at a chinese restaurant and clubbing later at our pent house .I knew he wanted to invite some international celebrities too. I sent out invitations like a week ago, I was so excited. I had waited a long time for my 18th birthday when I'd finally cross over to the next stage in life. Freedom to do what I pleased, I could stay wherever I wanted to. My life would be bliss from now on.

I hardly slept a wink, and got up before my alarm set for 6am rang. I was all giggly and bubbly and I just couldn't seem to get settled. At about past 8 I already started getting messages, emails, notifications from facebook and mentions on twitter. A thousand calls came in too. I felt so loved :) . The pent house was being readied for the party later in the night, I had gotten two cakes already and it was just some minutes to 10am.

My dad sent for me, I was told he was outside with my brother. I was starting to wonder why I hadn't seen him at all this morning anyway. I stepped out of the house and walked to the 5 plots garage which held over 15 of the most exotic cars imaginable. My dad was standing at the farthest end with a large grin on his face. 'What could he be up to now?' I wondered. I strolled towards him still curious.

I almost tripped over my self when I saw it..m the latest Chevrolet Cruze Eco ride, in all its glory and glimmer. Shining like a million diamonds,with its thick tinted windows and gold studded rims . Its glamour took my breath away. I started jumping and screaming like a crazy person. I ran and gave him a wide bear hug, still stunned. "My poochie poochie" that was what I called my dad. I was so happy that he had gotten me this. He was my one and only. Since my mother died, he's been my source of joy, the only one i have left. My brother and I are his only children and in his own words 'his reason for living'. And having each other, we need no one else.

The day went by fast, more cakes, gifts, more calls and texts. Lots of friends, family and a million and one people. the dinner at the restaurant happened quickly as everybody was eager for the main party . We eventually got to the pent house and the DJ was already jamming songs and all. I went to my room to change and found a dress on my bed. It was beautiful.

"I see you like it" a voice said from behind me.

It was my dad, I knew. I smiled and said I did like it a lot. I changed quickly and climbed up to the pent house to join my other friends . I didn't take long before I started drinking away and dancing with all my energy. It was a good thing the party was at my house. I couldn't imagine getting wasted at a random club. At the point when I got tired I decided to leave the crowd and go crash in my room.

I took of my clothes and changed to my nightie. I washed all my makeup off, turned up the air conditioner before going to finally going to my bed.

It must have been an hour later, or maybe two when I heard a knock on my door. Maybe a friend of mine needed somethi

ng. I opened the door..

"Daddy...?". "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"No dear, I just want to talk to you"

I let him in, thinking what could be so urgent that he wouldn't wait till morning. I went back to lie in bed, and he came to sit beside me.

"Okay daddy, talk to me"

"My love," he said stroking my face softly with the back of his index finger. He then continued to stroke my hair, still saying nothing. I was getting worried, he started touching my hands and rubbing my neck. His hands then slipped and cupped my left breast..

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

", I want you"

'Want'?? Did my daddy just say want??

"Daddy you're drunk, go back to bed"

"I want you honey, I need to feel you. It has been a long time since I felt the touch of a woman. I need that now"

I was confused, shocked what was my daddy saying?, what did he mean by all this, how could a father want his own daughter?. By now he was getting aggressive , his breathing getting heavier and his eyes growing deeper. He was touching me everywhere, he started caressing both my breast and rubbing my thighs and squeezing my waist.
I have never been with a guy before and all these strange responses my body gave to his touches scared me a whole lot. The fact that he was even touching me in such a way scared me even more.

I thought to scream cuz whatever got over him seemed to get stronger. As if sensing what I was thinking, he covered my mouth with one hand and used the second to lift my short nightie. I was crying, that was all I seemed able to do at that moment. I struggled and pushed, I wriggled left and right trying to get out of his grip, but that seemed to arouse him even more. For minutes, I battled with him, trying to protect my virginity. I was losing, my strength was slipping away. When he noticed I had lost the strength to scream, he let go of my mouth.

"Daddy please, I beg you. Don't do this. Don't let the devil take over you"

But his wasn't even listening, his eyes seemed distant and I was sure the only thing that was working at that moment was his cock. He was still working his way up my nightie which was easy because I never wore panties to sleep except when I was on my period.

"Daddy, please" I kept begging

"Sweetheart you're going to enjoy this" he replied, his voice thick and hoarse.

I couldn't believe what was happening. My daddy, the only man that loved and protected me all my life...

He held me, kissing my neck, squeezing my nipples and sucking my lips all at the same time. I was devastated.

And then, like a rush of wind, he was inside me. Without care or even shame, my daddy thrust his huge manhood into me. The same man who swore would never hurt me. That he would never let any harm come my way. That same man just took away the thing I valued and cherished the most, my virginity. The man from whose sperm I was formed... I wept, my eyes feeling like they'd fall anytime soon. But he didn't care, he just kept moving in and out. Faster and faster he went, on and on without pity or remorse. With each thrust, I lost everything, I lost my love for him, I lost my trust and belief in him, I lost every sense of happiness and every ability to feel whole again. With each thrust I lost my pride, my integrity and most of all, I lost my dignity.

There was nothing left, I was just an empty being clothed with flesh. As his seed poured into me, I wanted to bite, scratch and do all kinds of terrible things to him. But I had lost my strength. There was no fight left inside of me. He was done, he got up and moved towards the door... A smirk on his face.

"That was beautiful my dear"

I spat at his feet, "Monster!"

He just laughed, turned around and left.

Leaving me to face the trauma of our encounter...

Throughout the night I couldn't close my eyes, each time I blinked, it all came pouring back. I didn't leave my room thru out that day, I refused to speak to anybody because what had transpired last night was not a story to be told. I was thirsty but I couldn't drink, hungry but couldn't eat. Every essence of life meant nothing to me at the moment. Each time I remembered, fresh tears poured down my eyes. By each passing minute, the realization of what he had done dawned on me. I was raped by my Father!

He came again that night, and every night after that. He seemed to have found me pleasurable tho I can't imagine how logically possible that was. The days I showed any form of reluctance, he would get body guards to tie me down, and he would do with my body what he pleased.
His molestations continued and there was nothing I could do, he had threatened to take my eyes out if I ever told anyone about it. And after what he did to me, I knew he would pull that off.

Each and everyday, my father violated me,I became a shadow of myself. A skeleton of the once chubby girl everyone knew. My sweet daddy, suddenly turned into a monster overnight. My happiest dream suddenly became my worst nightmare. The man I used to love, I now hated and despised.

the sense of betrayal i feel can never be taken away. and i would forever live with that hurt and the pain of defilement.